Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Page 40

We currently have 3957 questions and answers

  • Who wrote the novel Silas Marner?
  • Who wrote the popular science book A Brief History Of Time?
  • Who wrote 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'?
  • Whose cartoon companion was called Baba Looey?
  • Whose choice means no choice at all?
  • Whose disease is a brain disorder causing dementia?
  • Whose facial features were used as the basis for the cartoon character of Aladdin?
  • Whose fictitious address was 23 Railways Cuttings, East Cheam?
  • Whose film, 'Once Upon a time in Mexico', premiered at the 60th Venice Film Festival in 2003?
  • Whose final studio album was I Look To You in 2009?
  • Whose flop is a high jump technique?
  • Whose marble sculpture of David may be seen in the Bargello Museum in Florence?
  • Whose return to 'EastEnders' in 2004 sparked a 560 megawatt power surge on the national grid?
  • Whose supposed last words were 'you will find Calais lying in my heart?
  • Wicca is another term for what?
  • Wings sang about the Mull of where?
  • Winnipeg is the capital of which Canadian province?
  • With what colour flame does sodium burn when heated in the flame of a Bunsen burner?
  • With what is the word 'QWERTY' associated?
  • With which activity is the phrase 'going, going, gone' most associated?
  • With which American outlaw does Sandra Bullock’s former husband share his name?
  • With which art movement is Andy Warhol most closely associated?
  • With which branch of the arts is Luciano Pavarotti particularly associated?
  • With which brand of the arts is Luciano Pavarotti particularly associated?
  • With which composer is the Aldeburgh Festival in Suffolk associated?
  • With which country does Costa Rica share its southern border?
  • With which country does North Korea share a land border?
  • With which fashion designer was the style icon Audrey Hepburn particularly associated?
  • With which fish is the river Spey in Scotland particularly associated?
  • With which football club is Delia Smith associated?
  • With which football club was David Beckham's name not linked in 2003?
  • With which form of public transport is 'Routemaster' most associated?
  • With which French region is a certain type of quiche associated?
  • With which instrument are Amati and Stradivari chiefly associated?
  • With which Motown group was Diana Ross a singer in the 1960s?
  • With which musical instrument is singer-songwriter Bob Dylan most associated?
  • With which novel title did Kate Bush top the UK charts in 1978?
  • With which of these did Wham! have a UK Top 10 hit in 1984?
  • With which part of England is the song 'Blaydon Races' primarily associated?
  • With which pop star did Tim Rice co-write the lyrics and music for the film The Lion King?
  • With which sport is Sir Stanley Matthews chiefly associated?
  • With which sport is the Beach Boys music most associated?
  • With which supermarket giant did Jamie Oliver extend his contract in June 2003?
  • With which treatment was Dr Edward Bach chiefly associated?
  • With which type of clothing is the island Bermuda associated?
  • With which type of music is the American artist Marc Anthony associated?
  • 'Wonderwall Music' and 'Electronic Sound' were solo albums by which Beatle?
  • Wood hyacinth is another name for which flower?
  • Words from which country's national anthem appear around the edge of a £1 coin?
  • Worn by the pope is the whose ring?
  • Written by Cole Porter was the song 'what the Beguine'?
  • Yankee and Canuck are nicknames for people from where?
  • You might ask someone who won't speak: what got your tongue?
  • Zeus is the king of the gods in which mythology?
  • Zimbabwe is a country on which continent?
  • Zimbamwe is a country on which continent?
  • Zog I was king of which country from 1928 to 1939?

  • Current Page: 40

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